Saturday, May 30, 2009

An ode to the trees at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Do the trees in JNU have a life of their own?

Do they whisper to each other about mysteries unknown?

About lovers sheltered under bougainvillea blossoms

About CSRD students debating on wheat versus sorghum

Though most trees are welcoming, some can seem menacing too

The latter must be hanging out too much with the Naxalite crew

The tree in the picture looks like its going out to war

If you spot it on campus, be sure to hail Mao from afar

Their branches are now weary of Time’s sadism

Witnessing it divest naïve do-gooders of idealism

They remain behind gates through which generations have passed

On the threshold of the future, holding on to the past

1 comment:

Space Monkey said...

My eyes are now watery over this poem's inspiration
Inspecting it with naïve love of prosaic idealism
It's words remains behind gates of my heart through which countless generations of others poems have passed
It sediments itself, alongwith its poet, in the schwerpunkt of my self, looking forward to my past :P